PerformancePoint Planning Admin Console

The first thing I noticed about the PerformancePoint Planning console was the ‘in your face’ look and feel.  The menu items are big and clunky, headings oversized and the font is generally big and wiry.

So, I made a point of finding the theme and style sheet files responsible and pulled out my metaphorical scalpel and got to work.

I’ve not made a huge design impact.  In fact, some would probably not notice as I’ve gone for the subtle-yet-effective cosmetic surgery.  However, it makes a difference to me and stops me from rolling my eyes every time I see a 28pt sub title!

For those interested, the .skin and .css files can be found in the following location on a default installation:

c:Program FilesMicrosoft Office PerformancePoint Server2007AdminConsoleApp_ThemesBizAdmin

The two files in question are:

– and,
– BizAdmin.css