Adatis Lyon > Marseille Charity Ride

Hi Folks,

You might be aware, but Adatis are somewhat into our cycling, but we don’t like to do it for any old reason. Therefore, after the blazing success of the 2016 London > Paris charity ride, we’re doing it again… but going even further!

This time we’ll be making our way from Lyon, through Valence and Avignon, right down to the south coast at Marseille. That’s a whopping 340 kilometres!


Now, we’re all riding for our own causes from a whole range of different backgrounds. I’ve chosen to help out some very smart, very generous people over at Stichting Suubi. They’re doing some great things in Uganda, providing medical care to local school children. But what’s more, they’re developing tools to harness Azure and Machine Learning to automatically track healing progress, recognise wound degeneration and all sorts! Check out TendoCare.AI for more info!

Now, obviously this is where the ask comes in – I’d love it if you could help me make sure the trip is worthwhile by popping a donation in, big or small. In return, not only will I drag my lazy, unfit self along this ridiculous ride, I’ll do it on my huge cargo bike which is utterly and completely unsuitable for such a ride:


For some more stats and general updates on our progress, we even have a PowerBI of our progress towards charity milestones and training fitness because yes, we are that nerdy.


Once again – anything you can do to help out, we’d really appreciate it –

